I’ve only written rough drafts so far and I still have holes in the plot’s outline that I need to fill, yet that doesn’t stop this sort of thing from feeling good. Maybe that’s the mark of finding something that you love: Spending hours on a project with no promise of reward and then being suddenly and irrationally happy once you finish part of it. It’s either that or the simple fact that you can get lost in something for hours on end without really noticing, aside from the sporadic elation when you start work on your favorite parts of the process. Perhaps it’s both. Perhaps it’s different for everyone. I don’t know. Actually, for any of you people out there with something you’re passionate about, I’d like to know how you feel when you’re involved with whatever it is, or at least how you know that you’re passionate about it. Mike Bliss, I’m looking at you. The robot in me still finds emotions a bit confusing and I’m trying to figure some of them out.
On another note, I NEED something to be happy about because I found out that
A) My university tuition now needs to be payed (over $20,000 a year for a STATE school?!),
B) Over these past few months, when I haven’t been able to work out too much, I’ve lost about seven pounds of muscle, and
C) I’m apparently being referred to a trauma surgeon for my leg injury.
A freakin’ trauma surgeon?! Come on! That’s a bit excessive, isn’t it? I mean, yeah, my leg still hurts some after six months and I hesitate to do anything with it, but this guy’s used to dealing with people sporting open chest wounds! The simple fact that I’ll be walking into his office is embarrassing! I can’t tell whether that or the inevitable price of the visit is worse. Having universal healthcare like every other developed nation in the world would be mighty nice right now! Bloody insurance company lobbyists. That’s one of the first things I’m going to fix when I become Supreme God-King of the World.
Other than that, I haven’t too much to report. Treating writing a book like a regular job means that I don’t get out much and little happens to me aside from what goes on in my own head. While that can be pretty bizarre and exciting for me, it’s not something you tend to talk about. Then again, this is a nowhere town near Cape Cod. Even when I had my usual summer job nothing happened. Nature of the beast I guess.
Anyhow, I’m going back to thinking about elves and fairies and medieval amputations! Have a good week everybody!
Song of the Week: I’m going to pretend that this song can apply to something, rather than just someone. Okay, it’s actually just been going through my head all day, you happy now?
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